Paketler ( 6639 )

İsim Sürüm Açıklama Kategori Depo
srt-devel 1.4.2 Development files for srt programming.devel main
sshfs 3.7.3 A filesystem client based on the SSH FTP hardware.disk main
sshpass 1.06 Fool ssh into accepting an interactive password non-interactively server main
stardict-essential-turkish 0.2 Stardict essential dictionaries for Turkish users office.dictionary main
startup-notification 0.12 Application startup notification and feedback library desktop.misc main
startup-notification-devel 0.12 Development files for startup-notification programming.devel main
steam Steam for linux network.misc contrib
stellarsolver 2.4 The Cross Platform Sextractor and Internal Astrometric Solver programming.library main
stellarsolver-devel 2.4 Development files for stellarsolver programming.devel main
step 23.08.5 Interactive Physical Simulator main
step-kf6 24.08.3 Interactive Physical Simulator main
strace 6.6 Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process util.misc main
stress 1.0.7 Tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system hardware.disk main
sublime-merge 2039 Meet a new Git Client, from the makers of Sublime Text development contrib
sublime-text 4180 Sophisticated text editor development contrib
subtitlecomposer 0.7.1 Video subtitle editor desktop.kde.utils main
subversion 1.14.4 A compelling replacement for CVS programming.scm main
subversion-devel 1.14.4 Development files for subversion programming.devel main
sudo 1.9.16_p1 Allows restricted root access for specified users util.admin main
suil 0.10.18 Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs multimedia.sound main
suil-devel 0.10.18 Development files for suil programming.devel main
SuiteSparse 5.13.0 SuiteSparse, a suite of Sparse matrix software science.mathematics main
SuiteSparse-devel 5.13.0 Development files for SuiteSparse programming.devel main
sundials 5.3.0 A program that automatically solves layouts of Freecell and similar variants of Card Solitaire science.mathematics main
sundials-devel 5.3.0 Development files for sundials programming.devel main
sushi 46.0 A file previewer for the GNOME desktop environment. desktop.gnome.base main
suspend 1.0_p20200924 A set of tools to support sleep modes hardware.powermanagement main
svt-av1 1.7.0 Scalable Video Technology AV1 encoder and decoder. multimedia.misc main
svt-av1-devel 1.7.0 Development files for svt-av1 programming.devel main
swh-plugins 0.4.17 The SWH Plugins package for the LADSPA plugin system multimedia.plugin main
swig 4.0.2 Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages programming.library main
switcheroo-control 2.6 D-Bus service to check the availability of dual-GPU hardware.powermanagement main
switcheroo-control-docs 2.6 Development files for switcheroo-control main
sylpheed 3.7.0 A lightweight email client and newsreader network.mail main
sylpheed-devel 3.7.0 Development files for sylpheed programming.devel main
sylpheed-docs 3.7.0 Documentation files for sylpheed main
SynfigStudio 1.5.1 Professional vector animation program Graphics contrib
syntax-highlighting 5.116.0 Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code desktop.kde.framework main
syntax-highlighting-devel 5.116.0 Development files for syntax-highlighting programming.devel main
syntax-highlighting-kf6 6.8.0 Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code desktop.kde6.framework main
syntax-highlighting-kf6-devel 6.8.0 Development files for syntax-highlighting-kf6 programming.devel main
sysfsutils 2.1.0 System Utilities Based on Sysfs system.base main
sysfsutils-devel 2.1.0 Development files for sysfsutils system.devel main
syslinux 6.04 SysLinux, IsoLinux and PXELinux bootloader system.boot main
sysprof 47.1 Kernel based performance profiler desktop.gnome.apps main
sysprof-devel 47.1 Development files for sysprof programming.devel main
system-config-printer 1.5.18 A printer administration tool hardware.printer main
system-config-printer-gtk 1.5.18 GTK+ frontend of system-config-printer hardware.printer main
system-settings 5.27.11 KDE5 system settings manager desktop.kde.plasma main
system-settings-devel 5.20.5 Development files for system-settings programming.devel main